What is FileIce ? FileIce is a revolucionary and the best site for online working what i've been see on internet. On this site you will earn on every download, this is the PPD ( Pay per download ) site and when somebody click on your link's and download your file you will earn for that download. What makes FileIce different from other sites...

Youtube Method

Most may already know how to upload, put the title, put the text in the descriptionand add tags. That's not bad, but the time you have only 30% of work completed. Firstly youwill need much YouTube account. According to one YouTube account most upload3-4 videos, because in the event that you outline the channel is better than 3-4 to delete 20 of your videos.


1. File can be only 200 Mb max2. Allowed is uploading files of any extension, that can be pictures, folders, zipped files etc. 3. Uplod file that can be of any species other than erotica and movies to forget and forgive no discussion on this matter immediately get ban. 4. Therefore it is forbidden to upload files that have a connection with the ridge pornography with naked people, dancing with the girl lightly trained, and the like. Permitted to take your file has a name that resembles any of the terms that are related to pornography, naked people, or expressions that are used to it. It is forbidden to upload passwords to unlock pornography.

Want more money ? Check this methods

Here you have the best methods this methods will help you to increase your earnings very fast. Download this free E-books and learn how to earn on professional way


All methods and tutorials that you see are just the springboard for your methods. What you need to do is combine all of these methods and tutorials you see on this blog and add something of their own.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Get Facebook Viral application (Tutorial included)

This application can bring you a lot off traffic. It is easy for setup and it'll take about 10 minutes from your time to set up it. Let's explain you for what i'm talking, visitors come to your site to download some file and they will need to invite X friends to be able to see download link, after they send the invites it will redirect it to site with download content, this work also with blogger. 

* Inside You have tutorial included how to set up it *

If you don't like to complete a survey you can order and get this on Fiverr I will give you Facebook viral application for $5

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How To Setup Your Niche

Found your niche already but you don't know how to setup? It's really easy just follow the few tips that I'll tell you and you'll be ready to promote your niche! This doesn't require you to spent a lot of time.

Setup your niche at blogspot.
First of all create your free account at Blogspot. After you created your free blogger account, click on create a blog button.

- Blog title: Make sure it looks good and catch on eye. Make sure all keywords are related to your niche.

- Blog address (URL): Make sure the name of your blog will be related to your niche. For example if your niche is for Wireless crack your blogger name need to look like or something like that.

now click on Continue and select Simple as your main blogger template then click again Continue and finally click on Start Blogging. Once you're done you'll be redirected to create your first blogger post.

Okay so now you need to be really professional and make high quality post for your niche that will attract people to download your files. First of all, make sure you have an awesome title for your post. Good title example for Wireless Crack niche would be How To Crack Wireless - Works as of May 2012 bad title for your post would be free wireless crack

Next thing that you need to do is your post. Make sure it will look very professional with every single detail related to your niche. Like when it was released, by who was released, how it works, how to download, why to download, why did you survey protect your file, how to setup, and everything as much as possible.

Useful tips to get more downloads:
Make sure you bold important things in your post. 
Make sure you have good proof that your niche/file/ or what ever you offer is working.
Make sure you show them virus scan from
Make sure you don't have grammar mistakes in your post.
Make sure you have awesome download button.

Once you're done with your post you're ready to design your blog. I recommend you to design your own logos for your blog > Design > Header > Edit > Upload Pic or URL, I recommend you to have white background or black background. To change your background you need to go to Design > Template Designer > Background > Upload White/Black pic.

Oh well, if you don't want to mess with designing you can just search on google and find awesome templates for blogger.

Example of websites that offer awesome blogger templates:

Once you download your blogger template just go to Template > Design > Edit HTML and upload your file.

So that's few important things that you need to do to your blogger to look professional. Once you've your blogger ready you can start with Promothing.

How/Where To Find Your Niche

Hello. In this tutorial I'm gonna to show you where and how to find niches. I'm pretty sure you already know what is niche but for those that doesn't know I'll give you link that will explain you. Niche = Idea. Most money you can make from your own niche.

What is Niche Marketing

Anyway, I'll show you three simple ways to find your niche/idea.

First Way To Find Your Niche is YouTube.
Go toYouTube and at the left side find Trending. Click on Trending and find out what's hot on YouTube. Always when I'm searching for niche on YouTube I'm finding at least one hot trending niche/idea for me. So for example right now I can see that Halo 4 is pretty hot niche. You can check daily and once you see something that you think will bring you a lot of money, you should start promoting it instantly while it's hot.

Second Way To Find Your Niche is Google.
If you can't find your niche on Google then you're brainless. It's really simple, all that you need to do is to go to Google and search for upcoming movies, find hot movie that's incoming in the next few days and once you got your niche/idea/movie, start promoting it. 

Third Way To Find Your Niche is Your Brain.
Yeah just use your brain, I'm pretty sure you're not brainless. :D Think what is worth to complete survey. Think what would you complete survey for. Simple as that, for example at the moment I think I would finish survey for Diablo III product key.

Examples of saturated niches:

- Facebook Password Hack.
- Hotmail Password Hack.
- Yahoo Password Hack.

Examples of HOT niches:

- Diablo III product keys.
- Halo 4 Crack/Keys.
- Think with your brain. :)

So that's from me, as you can see it's pretty easy to find your niche/idea. Next thing that you'll need to do to monetize is to get some traffic to your niches. Follow my second tutorial on how to setup your niches that can be found here:



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